Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The More you Share the More you Learn

I recently commented on a post by Jeannine St. Amand on Connected Learning and What we share in the world and I feel the need to post my reply here and expand:

We cannot just skim along, we need to go back, reread, check on comments. I am so glad that we have the ability to be emailed replies to blog comments, it really is great to see a post take off that you commented on, just showing how the blossom continues to grow.

Etmooc is a lot of information. I'm grateful to Alec, for his first etmooc session on diigo.com and scoop.it. I have put so much into my diigo in great list formats and the read for later section has become quite large but I get to 5 a day if I can, I have just come off of a commenting phase, no new blog posts, I have literally been commenting for 5 days now and I have learned so much. Tried many new tools and added to my knowledge two folds. Enjoy the ride for etmooc, just don't forget to look back!

As an educator, I have a passion for reflective learning and e-portfolio's and I thnk it is the reflection that I love. I can tell you I have raised letter grades due to reflections so looking back is a great thing. When you look back, you usually find out you learned more than you thought you did. This is not possible, if we don't take a conscious moment to re-read our posts, comments, work. Maybe we should teach blogging for life, as many do not look back and many do not learn, but more on that later...

If I have learned anything in the etmooc in the past weeks it's share away, your not stupid, you will be heard and your crazy if you think you can get it all in. Listen to sessions when you can, tweet, when you have something to say, learn when you have time to learn and share when you have time to share. Pay it forward (my commenting day's). I'll continue, but next I need to reflect on the last week in etmooc as a new post is brewing.

Talking about paying it forward in our world, I just read a great post by Jeff Utecht. He's sharing to the max. He's offered his services for what you can pay if you live in the same state. Personally, I think he is rich or crazy, but can you imagine being able to have the ability to share to that level. I am truly impressed.


  1. Hi Sherry,
    Share, share, share....it's a beautiful thing. Commenting on blogs is so very important and I'm just beginning to internalize this as a blogger. Often I read and don't comment. Why? Not quite sure I can tell you why. Going to get better at sharing my thinking in response to the visible thinking of others (blogposts). Now, that's reflection where I share my thinking in relation to your thinking. Now, that's sharing.
    Thank you,
    Lisa @lisaneale

  2. I can say that I love to reflect too, but I hesitate to put that reflection into a blog post. My mind bounces from one idea to the next and trying to pull a thread through those ideas in something "I've learned" is often difficult ... and time consuming ... and difficult!

    Thanks for stopping by my space and encouraging me!

    1. I know what you mean! I started my post and realized I had reflected on your blog post, commenting and then added web 2.0 tools. I ended up pulling out two paragraphs for a new blog post. Still keeping up with etmooc and need to go back to sessions I missed. I'm glad you are encouraged. I really enjoy your blog. You do a great job of breaking it all down..

  3. Hi Sherry,
    It is about sharing but you are absolutely right about reflecting on past learning. In the first month of 2013 I have done more professional sharing and learning than I did in all of 2012. I have built new relationships and I look forward to sharing and learning more.

    1. Thanks Karen, the sharing becomes so obvious, I see my google plus and have to read the latest. As of now, I've spent an hour commenting and going through posts and comments. Twitter, at 181 and I'm scared to look, (I'll get lost again). I really needed this etmooc to reconnect to the world, I had a great start in 2009 and fizzled out. Looking forward to both of us sharing and reflecting more in 2013.

  4. Hi Sherry,
    I couldn't agree more. It is not just about the sharing but also the reflecting. In the first month of 2013 I have done more sharing and learning than I did in all of 2012. It is empowering to create new relationships, but also to reflect on what new avenues of exploration that relationship has provided.
